2020 will be a year to remember as a time of immense growth and reframing our regular spiritual hospitality mission to one of expanding into the homes through the various devices and screens viewed by the people we have been serving over these last 15 years.
Diwali was actually quite a treat and we were able to learn from a senior sister up close and personal in a way that would have been so different than in a room of 150 people. Our Anubhuti Winter Solstice event is coming up on December 22nd for our weekly Tuesday Talk at 7 pm PST.
Our tree is trimmed now. It has ornaments on it from all around the world and from different religions. Our spiritual studies about the world religions are like branches on a tree. The seed of that tree is One Seed that is full of all virtues and complete love.
May this holiday season prepare you to be like a seed deep in the ground and fill with the thoughts of a world that you would like to exist in. Like a seed, bring all your concerns into this all encompassing love, and then have the faith that next year, the thoughts you have planted will be like a new sapling growing into a benevolent world.
We are all taking extra time for stillness and silence through out this month of December. Less time on our devices allows more time on allowing the virtues to rise. Virtues like patience, wisdom, kindness, and serenity.
Stay filled with light and thoughts of peace, happiness, purity and truth. You are more powerful than you know and together we will be able to do wonders. We are continuing most of our weekly and daily programs over the holidays. So be sure to check out our events page and register for the Zoom login.