On June 15 and 16th we had a huge event that was remembered for years to come.
Our center in San Francisco was one of the first centers in the USA with Sister Chandru as the first teacher. To celebrate we invited Sister Shivani to speak. “Awakening The Gift of Happiness” was the topic for the 15th, followed by “Love and Forgiveness” the next day.
World-renowned spiritual speaker BK Sister Shivani has transformed millions of lives through her inspiring life-changing talks. Her YouTube Channel has over 53 million views and has 1.6 million followers on her Facebook page. She is appointed as Good Will Ambassador by the World Psychiatry Association. Her TV show has been airing in all continents since 2007. She has been studying spiritual knowledge of Raja Yoga Meditation, as taught by the Brahma Kumaris for the past 20 years.
YouTube English Videos Sister Shivani